Hey guys,
Haven't posted any of my work in a while since I've had finals, and after 6 hours of testing yesterday, I needed to clear my head. I headed over to Lowes and picked up a piece of thick walled schedule 40 PVC for
$1.56 and decided to try making a bow out of it. This is what I got.
48" t2t before recurving
43# @ 28"
This little bow is putting out my 500 grain hunting arrows at 149 fps on average! It has no stack whatsoever to 28" and is unaffected by the elements. Total cost was less than $2 and it only took 45 minutes to make!
I would have no hesitation whatsoever taking this bow turkey or deer hunting, and I think I am going to use it for bow fishing this summer since it is dirt cheap and waterproof. Plus it is so short so I can shoot it out of my kayak!
Here it is next to a yard stick for size comparison. Top limb on left.

Here is a shot of the string centered perfectly down the handle.

Full Draw, Arrow is 29" to base of tip. Compare this draw to some of James Parker's Horn bows and they are remarkably similar!

Immediately after after 200 shots

30 yard shot. White dot is size of a quarter.

For all you doubters this is where the shot was taken from. First try, very little arrow drop.

Overall, this was an incredibly fun project, and it gave me a "horn" bow in less than an hours work that shoots just as good as many self bows. So for you purists out there broaden your horizons some and have some fun, this was sure a blast to make! I have to pretty it up some with spray paint, but I wanted to post it.