So here's one I just finished up. 36 pounds or so @ 28", 68" ntn. I'm really impressed with this hackberry stuff, it's really easy to work with. It did get to me how thick the limbs ended up being in the end, though, and it ended up kind of underweight. If a hickory or elm bow were made to the same limb thickness, I think it would end up much heavier.
Bloodwood tip overlays and a red grip to match. It makes a nice target shooter. It did end up with about 2.5" of set, which I'm not happy about, but that's better than what I've heard of people getting from hackberry

(stories of starting with lots of reflex, then ending up with more than 3 inches of set, ...). I very lightly heat treated the belly, but the slight browning of the belly disappeared during tillering, and now it bears no hint of heat treating. I think if I heat treated the belly more, I would of gotten less set.