Pretty bow tiller looks fine to me
Thanks Joe
That's a good looking bow, you sure will have a happy brother
Hope he likes it. Will probably be out of it in a few months.
Dwardo, considering that stave that fulldraw is a thing of beauty sir !!! well done, if he cant shoot that with correct form there is no hope 
Cheers boss

Wow, that's a cracker!
Great tiller
Really clean lines, that kink at the grip looks like you've got it really ergonomic.
He's gotta be like a dog with two tails with that beauty.
Feels quite ergo in the hand. Its a joy to shoot being so light. Can hear my back thanking me rather than complaining.
Very nice bow! Did you cut the yew yourself?
I did mate, it was a little stragller and the smaller half of the last character bow I made.
Yeah thats a text book tiller all right!
Cheers mate, still walkling that pear stave around the workshop everyday whilst talking to it and threatening it with sharp eges.
. It always pays to be kind to the younger ones!
Yeah he is a good lad our kid.
Dwardo, That's a pretty bow right there! Baby brother's going to be happy with that Beauty!
Thanks Dale.
I'm sure the kid will enjoy it, tiller & finish looks sweet
Thanks Bow101
the good thing about a gift like this is if he gives you any crap about it you can put a hurting on him with it
, seriously that is a nice bow and gift, good on you dwardo, bub
Cheers Bub

Looks great on my computer, and I bet it looks even better in person.
It is a nice piece of yew, lots of character.
Nice job on that one, Dwardo! He should like that one!! 
hope so mate.