Carson sent me this stave about a year ago and I've been draggin my feet to complete it. I kept eyeing it sitting in the corner, but never could seem to get any momentum with it, so back in the corner it would go. About a month ago I got serious and started scraping away the excess.
I tried to keep the knot in, but in the end it didn't want to stay. Not having any experience with yew, I just said "the heck with it" and left it open. Doesn't seem to be bothering it any, but I did leave it a touch stiff outer 2/3. All in all, this being only the 2nd yew bow I've made, I'm pretty pleased with the results. Very few bow woods can compete with the beauty hidden in the grain of the yew tree. It makes a pretty nice shooter too!

It pulls 55#@28 and is an extremely smooth and stable shooter. Very light in the hand and fits like it was made for me!