Author Topic: New bowyers can make some real screamers / 44" rocket launcher by Don Carter  (Read 5800 times)

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Offline half eye

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Hey fellas,
      This is one I had to post. 44" of character osage, knots-woop-dy-do's and all. It was made by fellow member Don Carter. Ya know one of them humble guys that thinks the new guys got no game......well BS.
     We did us a trade and Don sent me this bow as an example of his work. This bow is FAST and the cast is unexcelled. How come I say that, well the second set of pics shows the first arrow out of the bow (obviously it's accurate) but the arrow penetrated two layers of double wall board and 5" of big deal say you......well the arrow was no head and blunt to boot. Ya couple that with a 21" draw and 15 yards distance and I'm prepared to call it a rocket launcher.
     First set of pics is the usual, second set is the "first arrow" Hope ya like the pics. Cant do it justice and just wish you all could feel this thing, absolutely outstanding. I would like to take opportunity to say again that back a few years when I was runnin my mouth about how the new bowyers on the site were selling themselves short on their ability. I went on to say that I would trade bows with any of them.....and I meant it, too. Well the bow swap came partly from that and if you could check this bow out in person you would know I was right (for once).
     Enjoy the photos and keep building bows guys.....ya build 'em as good as anyone.

Offline half eye

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second set of pics

Offline osage outlaw

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Great bow Rich.  You have been gathering some nice ones lately.
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left

Offline lostarrow

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Awesome! Great job on boosting the self confidence of our up and comers,Rich! It's amazing how these little bows that look like toys can be sooooooooooooooo deadly. Great job on the bow,Don!

 BTW ,Rich ,I think you may have some sort of woodpecker problem in your neck of the woods, by the look of your shed! ;)

Offline Del the cat

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    • Derek Hutchison Native Wood Self Bows
Great tiller on that beaut'.
I can see us old hands will have to keep on our toes.
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Offline JonW

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looks like a killer to me.  It's good to see your generosity come full circle Rich.

Offline half eye

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Thanks guys, I do believe that Don builds a hell of a bow.

Jon, Dell, yep, these guys will be smokin our butts here shortly 8)

Lostarrow, I got to believe about 1/2 the kids in our little town have flung a few at the shed, not I ever miss mind you >:D

Osage, you bet!!!! maybe I'll run into a couple three, whitetails this comin year that give me a good angle.

Offline Don

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Well I'm just glad you like it and thanks for the complements.
I don't think I'll be smoking anybody's butt anytime soon, I just like building them.
Oh and you Rich got me started on these shorter bendy's. Thanks, I love em.

BTW. When ever I get the wife to run the camera I'm going to post my new hunting bow you sent me.

Offline Dazv

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Awesome little bow!!! What dose she draw???

Offline Badly Bent

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Nice little bow that packs a punch, I like that combo. Very nice work Don, glad you posted this one Rich.
I ain't broke but I'm badly bent.

Offline half eye

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Thanks for bringing up that Daz, forgot to say. The only arrow I had close to right is a 21" 2 fletch (pics) and at that draw it's about 42# and at least 45# at 22" when I get the arrows built for it. Sorry about that.....get all excited when I get me a new launcher, and this one is super.

Hell, Don I might have got ya interested but damned if ya didn't take to 'em like a duck in water. Got to be one of my quickest bows, period. Regardless of draw weight.

Like I said hope y'all keep buildin 'em. This is GREAT!!!!!!

BB, typin at the same time, I really wish ya could feel it, draw it, shoot I said it's great.

Offline Dazv

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Wow low weight and super fast. What a cool bow

Offline lesken2011

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  • Kenny
Looks like a pretty good swap, Rich. Nice job Don. I saw the one you sent, too. Both are SWEET!!
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9

Kenny from Mississippi, USA

Offline H Rhodes

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That's a fine looking bow you got there.  Great work.  Damn, it looks cold up there.  I already mowed grass twice! >:D
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline MWirwicki

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Another nice swap you've got there, Rich!  What a beauty!  Good on Mr. Carter.
Matt Wirwicki
Owosso, MI