As of late, I've been lost in the Menard Forest. It has treated me well but I'd like to make a bow from a cut tree. It looks like I might have a real tree or trees available for bows. A local landowner is clearing a wooded area. I looked into it and told him what I would do with the trees if he let me have them. He said he had some cherry that was already cut and more to come. There are a couple of 8 foot pieces already on the ground. Here's a pic of one:

My hand span is about 10" and it just fits the diameter of the log. He has some other trees still standing. Not sure what species this is. Any idea? Good for bows?
Well, the real treat is he mentioned he had a bunch of hackberry trees but, he said, "You wouldn't want any of that." He has a lot and I think I can have as much as I want because he has no use for it. Here's a tree I found that is standing:

Here it is upclose:

I'm happy. I've never workd with hackberry. If I cut this down, can I just split it out and let it set or do I need to debark it too? If I debark it, do I have to seal the back or just the ends? Thanks.