Author Topic: What's your FPS?  (Read 25675 times)

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2013, 03:04:14 am »
Usually 3 time draw weight is a about average and what I go by when I decide to test one, I can usually tell if they are fast enough for me when I shoot them.100 + draw weight is what a lot use as has been said. Anything in the 150s-160s fps for a 50 lb bow ant bad at all. :) 212 on the other hand is not normal.  :)
Not saying it ant so but I would need to see a 50lb self bow drawn at 26 inches with a 450-500 grain arrow do it. :) fastest I have ever see with them stats was average 181 and it was screaming. :)

By all means come and see my bow. I don't even mind telling how I did it  ;) if anyone's interested.
51lbs @ 26 with an 8 strand d70 string and a 451 grain arrow and no fancy release, just drawing and releasing at full draw with no 'hold' time.
I'm making that bows sister right now and we''ll see what the new one does in a few days. I'll also have 10gpp arrows ready. I may even post a video. ;)

Offline sleek

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2013, 05:16:11 am »
Without video, your story didnt happen.

My best is with a 50lb elm bow that shot 170s with 10gpp. That was 3 years ago... wonder what it does now? Will break out the chrono soon as I am done moving and see...
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Offline Pappy

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2013, 08:37:43 am »
Don't need to come see Mike,I will take you word for that. :) Just makes me feel pretty inadequate as a high performance bow maker. [NOT] :) :) I always thought 150-160- was good and 170-180 was outstanding,guess I was mistaken. ??? won't be the first time I was wrong and feel sure it won't be the last. ;) :) Cody remind me when you get there and We will pull them out and get them working
[batt's and such] and try and find a safe and handy place to set it up.Gary has been wanting to do that any way to test some Glass bow against selfbows. :)He seems to think the selfbows will win,I tend to disagree. :)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 08:41:17 am by Pappy »
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2013, 09:47:10 am »
Without video, your story didnt happen.

Is that right? I'm pretty sure it did.....or else it was a mighty convincing dream  ;)
Sure people can make bogus claims over the internet but believe me I have zero interest in that. I just wanted to share a new bow that i'd made with some like mined people.

Pappy the numbers you state for performance are right on the money. Remember I got those speed figures at 8.8 grains per pound and most people talk about speed when the arrow is 10 gpp. All I did when I 'designed' that bow was to use a bit of lateral thinking regarding energy storage and how that is linked to the wood breaking down (set) whilst getting to full draw.

Offline Pappy

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #49 on: April 11, 2013, 10:00:58 am »
Don't take this wrong Mike,I am not saying your bow didn't do that, you just have to understand that it is pretty amazing and way way above average or even above what is usually considered smoking fast,so you should expect some doubt. :) I'm for sure not calling you a liar if say it did that,that's good enough for me. I learn new things every day. :o Nice job is about all I know to say and keep up the good work .  :) :) No hard feeling I hope. ;)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline artcher1

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #50 on: April 11, 2013, 12:34:55 pm »
Hey Pappy, there's still a few of us around that remember when Marc St Louis posted way way higher numbers than what Mike posted. Albeit with flight shooting arrows ;D.

Type wood Mike used for his bow, his design (very well thought out IMO)  and past weather conditions, I'd put my money on his numbers. Heck, since it warmed up 20-30 degrees since I tested my 40#er,  I'd have to eat some crow if I had to repeat those numbers I posted.......Art B

Offline crwjr

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #51 on: April 11, 2013, 01:16:15 pm »
Y'all talking about the classic is killing me!!! I want to go so bad but funds is not on my side! I'm planning on showing up next year (with a few more bows under my belt)! I hope y'all have fun a land someone please post pics, and vids PLEASE!!!!
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Offline sleek

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #52 on: April 11, 2013, 01:50:37 pm »
Mike, I was joking around bud, I just wanna watch a video is all :) None of that was a question to your integrity, I promise.
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Offline JackCrafty

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #53 on: April 11, 2013, 02:35:42 pm »
The way I test my bows is as follows.

First I look at the "standard" self-bow setup:

Pyramid style flat bow with 6" unbending portion of handle
True set @ 1-1/2" or less.
No reflex
No Recurve
6" of unbending tips
67" bow length and 66" Nock to Nock
50# draw weight
28" draw
500 grain arrow
Bowstring weight is about 3 times the draw weight and (in grains)
Hemp or flax bow string
Brace height = (length of bow x .086) or about 5-3/4", in this case, measured from the neutral plane
Hold at full draw for 2 seconds before release

With the above parameters, the average arrow speed will be 150 fps.  If you keep all the proportions the same, you should get 150 fps even from "miniature" bow & arrow sets.

Variation of any of the the above will change the arrow speed.  All other variables unchanged, altering the the bow length up or down from 66" decreases arrow speed, low set increases speed, reflex resulting in higher draw weight at brace height increases speed, shorter unbending tips decreases arrow speed, longer unbending tips increases speed up to a point, higher draw weight increases speed, longer draw increases speed, lighter arrows increase speed, heavier bowstrings decrease speed, lower brace height increases speed up to a point, and holding time at full draw will decrease speed the longer you hold and increase speed the shorter you hold.  Also, drawing the bow slowly at first then quickly toward the end, with no hold time, increases speed.

All the bows I make these days (except for warbows) are shorter, with shorter draw lengths, and with less power than the example above.  I just tested a 51" bow last week.  It pulls 43 lbs and shoots 430 grain arrows with a 24" draw and 4-3/4" brace.  I'm getting 140 fps on average and I'm satisfied.  I could get 150 fps easy by using some of the "tricks" above but I don't.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 03:02:10 pm by jackcrafty »
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Offline twisted hickory

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #54 on: April 11, 2013, 02:42:40 pm »
The way I test my bows is as follows.

First I look at the "standard" setup:

Pyramid style flat bow with 6" unbending portion of handle
True set @ 1-1/2" or less.
No reflex
6" of unbending tips
67" bow length and 66" Nock to Nock
50# draw weight
28" draw
500 grain arrow
Bowstring weight is about 3 times the draw weight and (in grains)
Hemp or flax bow string
Brace height = (length of bow x .086) or about 5-3/4", in this case, measured from the neutral plane
Hold at full draw for 2 seconds before release

With the above parameters, the average arrow speed will be 150 fps.  If you keep all the proportions the same, you should get 150 fps even from "miniature" bow & arrow sets.

Variation of any of the the above will change the arrow speed.  All other variables unchanged, altering the the bow length up or down from 66" decreases arrow speed, low set increases speed, reflex resulting in higher draw weight at brace height increases speed, shorter unbending tips decreases arrow speed, longer unbending tips increases speed up to a point, higher draw weight increases speed, longer draw increases speed, lighter arrows increase speed, heavier bowstrings decrease speed, lower brace height increases speed up to a point, and holding time at full draw will decrease speed the longer you hold and increase speed the shorter you hold.  Also, drawing the bow slowly at first then quickly toward the end, with no hold time, increases speed.

All the bows I make these days (except for warbows) are shorter, with shorter draw lengths, and with less power than the example above.  I just tested a 51" bow last week.  It pulls 43 lbs and shoots 430 grain arrows with a 24" draw and 4-3/4" brace.  I'm getting 140 fps on average and I'm satisfied.  I could get 150 fps easy by using some of the "tricks" above but I don't.
Thanks much Jack,
this is what I was hoping to take away from this thread. I have been watching it to see what is the norm. I am not speed concerned but intrested what self bows are generally capable of  ;) In the long run it doesn't matter how fast/slow your arrow goes as long as it hits it intended target.

Offline crwjr

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #55 on: April 11, 2013, 04:10:24 pm »
This has been a great thread. Lots of info
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Offline lostarrow

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #56 on: April 11, 2013, 06:20:26 pm »
 The  reason I got my chrony was not to see how my bows measure up to others , but how I can make them better . So in future ,if anyone see's me post a speed , it's only really comparable to the speed of my other bows. I  release  the same way I do when hunting or target shooting with only a 26" draw. I'm assuming it's fairly accurate because the results aren't abnormally high or low and are all within 5 lbs or so of each other. I think it will prove to be a valuable tool.
     with a 50#@28"  using 500gn. arrow I'm getting 155 -160   (with my 26" draw)
               60# @28" using 550gn arrow (light) I get 165 avg.
               The numbers seem up to par with my 65# FG recurve so I am content .
             As has been said many times  "they shoot where I point ,and thats what really matters" It makes it a lot easier to hook others onto the sport as well ,when you can get them to hit what they point at within 20 shots never having picked up a bow before.

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #57 on: April 11, 2013, 07:14:18 pm »
i'd rather shoot my arrows thru a deer, that out to be fast enough >:D
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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #58 on: April 11, 2013, 08:15:40 pm »
Y'all still griping about speed...we shoot wooden sticks for Pete sakes....not metal n carbon infused limbs with wheels who cares  ;)  8)

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Re: What's your FPS?
« Reply #59 on: April 11, 2013, 08:36:48 pm »
 What happened to accuracy.  It's great to have a fast bow but if you are not accurate then you missed the game....!
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