Author Topic: Wild turkey feathers  (Read 1624 times)

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Offline lesken2011

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Wild turkey feathers
« on: April 07, 2013, 11:33:33 pm »
I have never posted anything here, before, but I have a taxidermist shop less than a mile from here. Last year he saved me all the right wings from the turkeys he got in since that is what I asked for. Since I shoot left handed I have a right wing fletching jig. I guess he threw the left wings away. I never thought I could get those too and maybe trade them for something on here. He just called the other day and said they have started getting the birds in and asked if I wanted osceola turkey feathers too. I told him heck yeah.. This time he is saving me all the primaries and secondaries from all the birds that come in. Not sure how much these things are worth, but would love to wind up with a nice stave if anyone is interested. Osage would be great!
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Kenny from Mississippi, USA

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Re: Wild turkey feathers
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 12:07:20 am »
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Clatskanie, Oregon