I am not to be trusted with a rasp
I took this way to light and it gained reflex up to 6" from around 3" before I got happy with the rasp. couldn't get the limbs to even up and never tillered anything with reflex before. I just about resigned to having another kids bow but it seemed wrong with this having sinew and then covered with buckthorn bark. Lots of work into it and lots of firsts for me so I decided not to give up yet. Been over my head thus far so why not keep goin right?
I sanded the belly flat, found some straight grained ERC and cut out a couple belly laminations, and glued em on with TB3. The lams had about 1" reflex and after glue up ended up with about 2.5" reflex with the lower limb having 1/2" pos tiller at this point. Actually got rid of some twist n the upper limb too

I have been reading about
Perry reflex and don't understand it much but think that may be sorta what I just did?