Author Topic: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage  (Read 5441 times)

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2013, 06:50:11 am »
Ouch !!!!!! Had a lot over the years but not sure any that long.  ;D That had to hurt. ;) :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2013, 08:49:04 am »
I had one like Ron too (about an 1/8" dia splinter)once that went all the way under my nail to the back as far as it can go...had to grab it with pliers and sent pain tingles and shivers all up n down my body,and was pretty sore for the next few days...don't think I stopped to take a pic cus  I wanted it out asap

Offline Gsulfridge

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2013, 09:02:16 am »
Yeeaaaw! That'll leave a mark. I ran a piece of wire off a rotary wire brush through my palm once and had a thorn pierce my ear clean through, but neither hurt that bad.
Greg Sulfridge, Lafollette, TN

Offline Buffalogobbler

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2013, 10:18:49 am »
Hurt's just lookin'at it!

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2013, 10:21:51 am »
Damn! Ive had some goodins', but not that long! Heal up Matt
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Offline Blackcoyote

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2013, 10:34:08 am »
To make matters worse, Wee-wicki did something spectacular.  Mommy says, "Yay Dan!" 
"Clap, Honey"  She says to me, so what did I do?

Clap - Clap   "Yay Dan!"  Ooh, ouch owwwww! 
Miss Heather laughed.  >:D
That hurt.  It wasn't funny.....    :(

Now that's funny, and not   ;D

I'd keep that stave's already drawn blood before becoming a bow...natural born killer, lol
Drew - St. Johns, Michigan

Offline lostarrow

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2013, 10:41:22 am »
I'm guessig the bow made from that stave gets a special name.

I'm guessing it has already heard a few of them when it happened. Had a few go clear through various parts of my hands. I don't even want to know what Bubby's friend was doing to get such a heinous wound(bad karma) I'd say the longest I've had was about 6" but I don't think the length really counts whe it comes through the other side as only a couple inches is actually in the skin ;)
       Keep a close eye on that for infection and blood poisoning! I know a couple guys who were lucky to keep their limbs and lives with a sliver that went bad. There are chemical compounds in wood that are still a mystery to science. I'm guessing Osage has it's share of them.  It should stop hurting .....................after a few days. Get well!

Offline doggonemess

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2013, 12:44:54 pm »
I like to think that a project isn't real until I bleed on it. Maybe I'm just clumsy. Pretty much every one of my bows has some blood under the finish somewhere.

On the fingernail thing - my friend got a thorn under a fingernail so deep it was unreachable. It had somehow gone all the way to the cuticle but the end of the thorn was over 1/4 inch deeper than the tip of the fingernail. Rather than go to the hospital, he got some sandpaper, a razor, tweezers, and a whole mess of disinfectant. He sanded the nail thin (from the top) and cut a channel to reach inside and remove the thorn. It worked. I can't imagine the pain. This was when we were teenagers, so he couldn't even get good and drunk first. Looking back, I kind of think we should have gone to the hospital - just for the pain relief.
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Offline Parnell

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2013, 01:27:36 pm »
Uff!  When I was first making arrows, I left my quill high and didn't wrap the fletching.  Shooting off my finger I pierced the quill through the top meat of my left index finger and ripped the fletching off the arrow.  It was traumatic enough that I didn't even scream, just knew I had done something really wrong!

The hurt part came when I snippped it in half and had to pull it out!

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Offline seabass

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2013, 05:19:56 pm »
thats a bad one Matt.i'ed put some neosporin on that wound.

Offline chamookman

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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2013, 07:24:44 pm »
OUCH ! Keep that thing clean Bud.
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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2013, 09:35:15 pm »
I was workin with a tree trimmin buddy one time and we were clearing a bunch of scrub stuff so a company could build a cell tower. One of the trees that got lopped off was a honey locust with nice healthy "spurs". Somehow a branch got pulled back while I was backin up and then let go, sending one of those 3" thorns right into the back of my calf. I quickly grabbed a pair of pliers and tried to pull it out. Trouble was my leg muscles were so tight the thorn wouldn't release. After I realized this, I was able to pull out about an inch of trouble and couldn't believe how much had been imbedded in my leg. I wen ahead and finished the day and never did get an infection or even a sore spot! Couldn't believe it...


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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2013, 11:46:41 pm »
Creep "a" nelly........ >:( >:( >:(    I say........had it happen a few times..
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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2013, 10:59:37 pm »
Just saw this, Matt, that's cool ;D I don't think I'd of said I had my Wife make it feel better,,,a good Southern boy would have squirted some turpentine on and made a bow out of that splinter.
Lakeland, Florida
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Re: Osage Sliver - Collateral Damage
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2013, 01:05:53 pm »
With a situation like this,I recommend a stiff quaff of single malt and some rubbing alcohol into the wound. That'll clear things up !
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington