Author Topic: What kind of boardbows have you made?  (Read 4573 times)

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Offline crwjr

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What kind of boardbows have you made?
« on: March 26, 2013, 11:05:18 pm »
I would like to get some ideas from everyone's boardbows! If you have made one and have pics please post for all to see and maybe some info on the wood and design of your bow!! I think this could be an interesting and very informative thread. I need ideas in the way of style, stain/finish, backing's and whatever I am forgetting or dont even know about lol. Thanks everyone who would be so kind as to participate with this!!!
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Offline Peacebow_Coos

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2013, 11:52:16 pm »
I made a paper bag backed maple pyramid from a board, and a cloth backed hickory longbow (rectangular but should have trapped).  Made a linen backed ash flat bow, probably not very helpful, and no pics sorry.  I really did like the paper bag backed maple though.  I've seen some awesome board bows on here, there are some talented chaps around.

Offline NTProf

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2013, 11:59:23 pm »
My favorite design for all my board bows is 67-70" long; limbs 1 1/2-2 in wide (depending on the type of wood and the board) to past mid limb then tapering to 1/2 in nocks. For me, this design is stable, durable, and easy to tiller, and I like the looks of it. But I like things simple. I will post some pictures of the one I am working on now when I finish it. I have made board bows out of red oak, white oak, hickory, cherry, hard maple, and ipe.

Offline bow101

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2013, 12:17:09 am »
I would like to get some ideas from everyone's boardbows! If you have made one and have pics please post for all to see and maybe some info on the wood and design of your bow!! I think this could be an interesting and very informative thread. I need ideas in the way of style, stain/finish, backing's and whatever I am forgetting or dont even know about lol. Thanks everyone who would be so kind as to participate with this!!!

In all honesty my bows so far are nothing to write home about and I'm not going to waste Server time uploading the images again.  I do prefer maple over oak if that helps.
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Offline Rufledt

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2013, 12:20:11 am »
I'm with NTProf.  I tended to err on the side of extra long because of my longer draw length, but basically the same design.

If you want something new try one of these:

  That's all red oak board.  Make the main bow a bit wider and use something like nylon for the back strings.  Mine was too narrow and when I switched to dacron back strings from the nylon ones, the belly chrysaled. 

Depending on where you are you could try heat treating.  I live in a humid area so my un-heated oak ones all took lots of set compared to other woods I've used here.

Offline Rufledt

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2013, 12:27:25 am »
Here's my most recent board bow, a hickory backed walnut (on the left):

I glued in some reflex (almost 2") with the hickory backing, and it held most of it after shooting in.  It's compared to a red oak board bow (un heat treated) so you can see the massive difference in unbraced profile.  That redoak bow is 2.5" wide, trapped back, 72" long, sort of pyramid shaped but the limbs stay parallel for almost a foot after the fades, 40# @ 28".  The walnut bow, on the other hand, holds about 1" of just unbraced reflex, 55# @ 28", and is narrower at 2" wide at the fades.

Morel of the story here is try different woods, lumberyards are FULL of boards just waiting to be made into stuff. 

Offline BOWMAN53

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Offline AH

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2013, 02:34:13 am »
Being a guy who likes english bows, my favorite board bow is an ash board warbow. 76", 70 pounds @ 32"

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2013, 10:20:26 am »
I've made ELB's from boards. I've made bows with glued on pieces from boards. My favorite is a bend in the handle bow with no glue ons and with no narrowed handle having the same width as the handle out to mid limbs and tapering to 1/2 inch nocks. The width has ben 1.5 in and 1 3/8 in. Made some at 1 in for ladies and kids. My site has pics. These designs are great for the beginner and the veteran of the  bow wars. Many indigenous peoples all over the world have made their living with this design. Jawge
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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2013, 10:51:14 am »
Eh...### ****% ##$%%%% stupid boards  ;D   

OK...I guess there OK...sometimes ;),33782.0.html

Offline lesken2011

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2013, 12:14:36 pm »
I really think boards are great for bow making, especially for beginners. You have a flat surface on which to draw out the bow, which, for me at least made it a little less complicated. Here is a collage of photos of some of my bows made from boards. Most are backed, some are bendy handle, some are stiff handled, and two are kids bows. I used a pyramid taper on most except for the 2 mollies.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 09:58:21 am by lesken2011 »
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Offline NTProf

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2013, 12:25:46 pm »
I actually make almost all my bows from boards. Good trees are not easy to come by where I live, and it is way too expensive to purchase tree staves online (I can have about 4-6 board bows). So as long as I have access to good boards.....

Offline Parnell

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2013, 12:33:29 pm »
It's funny how somehow Ipe isn't usally considered being a "board bow".  Personally, I liked hard maple for my backings over hickory.  But, I don't really have an interest in making them.  Made lots my first year, then pretty much gave it up. 

Should "boardbows" be unlaminated?  Otherwise, aren't they "backed bows"?  Is it that people sorta consider board bows go to backed bows when they are made by someone with experience?

Just thinking out loud, don't mind me...

Offline Prarie Bowyer

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Re: What kind of boardbows have you made?
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2013, 02:27:38 pm »
ALL my bows are board bows.  you can search my name for most of the pics.

I prefer board bows.

Offline bubby

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« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 02:33:48 pm by bubby »
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