OK, working on bow number 2, got it tillered to a decent shape, but I fear it is stacking as I can only draw it to 25".
shot a dozen arrows with it and it is strong and quiet, but, I can't get it to my full draw, stacking I believe, but I am new at this. I am thinking I can shoot it a bit and see if it eases up, or, narrow the width of the limbs just outside the handle to get some more bend in the upper part of the limbs. My fear is the handle will pop if I take too much off. should I take off width near the handle or try to thin the belly a bit 6-8 inches on each side of the handle?
Pyramid design, 2" at the fades to 1/2 inch at the nocks, 58 nock to nock, 4 inch handle with 2 inch fades, board measures about 1/2 in thick, a little more near the handle, a little less near the tips (about a 1/16 variance) not sure what pull weight is yet, but it feels strong, 50+ at 25" draws nicely until I get near 25 or so than it stacks up pretty good, I can't pull it much past 25" this is the tiller at 20" in the picture.
Open to any advice on how to proceed please?
