Greetings, all!
I've always wanted to make a bow, as I enjoyed the solitude and concentration in shooting, even though I haven't hardly gotten the chance in the past 10 years. The thing is, things being what they are at the moment, I don't have a lot of resources available to me. "Long story short", what is the bare-minimum required to make a bow over a week or weekend, preferably on a budget, for someone lacking a garage full of tools.
I would buy a bow, but I'd like to make my own, eventually making one for my two children and possibly my wife, assuming I didn't kill or dismember myself in the attempt on
my bow

But with
natural bows being in t he $150 range, that's a pretty penny.
I live in Southern Arizona (Huachuca Mountains area, an hour south of Tuscon), and all we have out here are scraggly, short, twisted Mesquite trees. In fact, the only straight trees I've seen are the pine-like (not sure on it's actual name) tree in my neighbor's yard that is longer than an 18-wheeler when standing upright, and a nice "white and smooth" (again, not sure on the name) tree in front of the building I work in...and I'm sure neither location would appreciate me chopping them down (even if I could spare the buildings from being squished!).
To top that all off, I have an electric screwdriver/drill (Black and Decker, $40 from Home Depot as a gift from my children), hammer and nails, a Norman sword, and a dremel. That's it. No work benches, no clamps, vices, saws, files, drawing knives, heat guns, etc. My garage has camping gear and leftovers of random projects that I've done with my children over the years, like fish tanks, Styrofoam, and random odds and ends that we've recycled from garage sales (turning projector TVs into solar ovens, etc). A far cry from the "manly man"'s garage...I'm a byproduct of my generation, music and video games, or so it seems.
With all that being said, is it possible to get tools "on a budget" from Home Depot, Lowes, or Sutherland's and make a decent first bow? I don't mind putting in extra sweat in place of tools that I don't have, but I didn't want to go shopping only to find that I absolutely cannot make a bow without XYZ or ABC piece of equipment. Because from the looks of things, a drawing knife is going to run about $60, a rasp about $20, etc. Even the articles I've read on arrows require tools that I've never seen before (like a 'spoke shave'). I've read many of the Build-A-Longs on the site, but start getting a little disheartened with all of the tools lying around that I'm sure took a while to accumulate.
That, and I've yet to find out how to find what the draw strength on a bow is...although someone mentioned using a bathroom scale at one point, just never expanded on that comment.
Cheers, and well met. Here's hoping the garage gets some wood dust in it soon...