Author Topic: Turn any bow into a pellet bow  (Read 6666 times)

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Offline fiddler49

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Turn any bow into a pellet bow
« on: March 10, 2013, 01:11:26 am »
Here's a simple way to turn any bow into a pellet bow. The method keeps the pellet/ball in front of the bow plus keeps you from dry firing your bow with a light stone or lead ball.
I made a small funnel with milk jug plastic and taped on to arrow with electrical tape. The slider on the arrow shaft is a piece of 1/2 inch pex's tubbing but I
 could have used the same milk jug plastic for a rolled up slider. A short cord is tied to the slider and taped. A tape stop is put on the end of arrow to keep slider from coming off during shot. On the other end of short cord is tied a wash cloth or rag. You load ball/pellet into funnel and push a piece of paper towel over it to keep ball from falling out. A true muzzle loader.
Place arrow on bow string. Grab a corner of wash rag and tuck between bow hand fingers. Don't hold too tight! Keep slider with attached cord in front of bow hand! Thats on the far side of your bow hand!!! Pull back and let fly. The arrow does't go more than 5 yards even pointed up at 45 degrees but the ball is moving really fast and leaves the funnel toward your target. You could use a flu flu for the arrow but I think the arrow would go too far. I was shooting this set up in my yard from 8 yards and the arrow never made it to target. 5 yards at the most. This could be carried with on a bird or small game shoot where shooting an arrow up into a tree would would surely loose it. The funnel could also be made from paper/ card board/ thin raw hide/ bark. A larger funnel for larger rocks or clay pellets.  cheers fiddler49

Offline Newindian

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Re: Turn any bow into a pellet bow
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 03:57:31 am »
Maybe make the Nock on the arrow a hole that you slide over the string before stringing the it won't fly any where
I like free stuff.

Offline sleek

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Re: Turn any bow into a pellet bow
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2013, 04:06:07 am »
HAHA! A primitive BB gun! I love it! Please tell me you came up with this?

Just had an idea... Fit a tube on top willed with these pellets as a magazine... you can have a semi automatic bow... Just keep it down to a ten round clip.... :D
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline Holten101

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Re: Turn any bow into a pellet bow
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2013, 09:03:28 am »
This is awsome truely think out of the box. That design and principle is genious....and easly adaptable to primitive materiales. Variations on that theme are allready bubbling in my head:-)

What kind of effectivness do you get with those lead balls....enough power to take small game like rabbits and chicken size birds at close range?....and how is precision?


Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Turn any bow into a pellet bow
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2013, 10:16:31 am »

Offline fiddler49

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Re: Turn any bow into a pellet bow
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2013, 04:34:13 pm »
Yep, came up with it myself. I tried attaching the arrow to the string. Bad things happen when all that energy
doesn't go any where!!! Much more power than a BB gun. I put a big dent in van door! The lead balls are .57
cal. and will easily kill small game. Kind of like a sling but easier to aim. If you have to ask why you'll never get it!  cheers fiddler49

Offline sleek

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Re: Turn any bow into a pellet bow
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2013, 07:02:48 pm »
What happens exactly when the arrow is tied to the string? Also, how much does the arrow weigh, and the ammo?
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline fiddler49

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Re: Turn any bow into a pellet bow
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2013, 11:43:43 pm »
Sleek, my arrows are just 3/8" poplar dowels x 32" long maybe 650 grains. A lighter stiffer arrow shaft would send the ball out faster but these are probably hitting 170 ft per sec. thats 120 mph. I forgot what a .57 cal.
lead ball weighs. When I tied the arrow to the bow string it would hit the back of my hand and even with a glove
it would hurt a lot! Plus you get a lot of hand shock! I don't think it was good for the bow or my hand!!!
Letting the arrow fly a few yards down range was the best solution!  cheers fiddler49