Hi there peoples!
I cut these a few days ago and wasn't sure what kind of wood it was. I think it's some kind of oak, maybe laurel oak or water oak (that's what I've narrowed down as most likely, the former because of where it grows and what it looks like, the latter because it grows all over the place down here), but I'm not sure even after squinting a long time at my tree guide book. Maybe you guys who know your oaks well can tell me? It's a young tree, and I have two 6.5" logs, one of which can be split in two fine, not sure if splitting the thinner one is a good idea. The grain looks great for bow wood to me either way

I have already sealed the ends with thick coating of linseed oil, and will split once I know what I'm dealing with.
It was growing in Northern Florida between Apalachicola River and Tallahassee. The young tree was about 40-50 feet tall (probably could grow to 80 feet given time), tall, narrow trunk, and was still fairly young. The base of the trunk was in muddy leaves, and there was a hint of a mossy buttress there but not pronounced enough to give hint that it was anything like a bald cypress. Other trees that grow around the area are: Southern Magnolia, Mockernut and Shellbark Hickory here and there, Water Oaks, Beech here and there, shrub trees of various kinds, bald cypress, and long needle pine trees. Swampy low ground.
The leaves in early march are completely gone from the tree, so it is fully deciduous (so it's not any kind of live oak, and I suspect it is not water oak because the other water oaks around still have green leaves on them here and there) and not semi-evergreen. There's also a lot of lichen on the bark not mature yet), which is mostly smooth with narrow, shallow furrows starting to form. Twigs have very small buds growing on them at intervals of 2-3 inches apart.
Some pictures:
The logs,

bark detail:

Bottom end of larger log:

top end of smaller log

Twig showing the buds:

So my guess is it's some form of red oak species (laurel, water, swamp oak, something like that), but it could be something else entirely. What do you guys think?