Author Topic: Antler bodkins How to  (Read 4296 times)

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Antler bodkins How to
« on: February 25, 2013, 09:06:00 pm »
Here's a little build I did. I made some antler "field points" or bodkins, whatever you want to call em. I think they're super cool and so I wanted to share them with you guys so you can make em too.
Heres what youll need
Tools and materials

-Bandsaw or handsaw
-belt sander or file
-1/8 drill bit, 5/32 bit, 7/32 bit, 1/4 bit and 5/16 bit

So Ill describe the process here then below you can see the pictures. basically what I did was cut the tip of an antler, about 2 inches. I then drilled the center of the antler with progressively larger bits. I drilled about 1/2 inch. mark your bits with tape so you don't go past. After drilling I put the antler on the shaft. The shaft was 11/32 thick but I tapered it to 5/16, this made it fit snugly and tightly. if you have a 5/16 shaft i would recommend you use a another stick, a little thicker taper it down to make it a tight fit so that when you are sanding it in the belt sander or filing it down it wont slip. After its on the shaft simply shape with the belt sander. You can make a crooked antler straight by sanding of the area that is crooked. here are the pictures.

I use epoxy to glue them on. they are very resilient. Hope you guys like it and try it out!



Offline drwilson

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Re: Antler bodkins How to
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 09:22:44 pm »