I'm to the point of needing to serve my string
Judging by the low brace height in your second picture, it looks like you need a shorter string. You might be able to shorten it enough by adding a few twists, but you don't want to twist the string much more than 15 or 20 times throughout its length.
You will find out right away if your brace height (distance from the string to where you grip the bow) is too low. The first indication will be the obscenities that come out of your mouth when you first release the string, followed by the stinging on the inside of your wrist

Different bows require different brace heights, but a good place to start is by using a "fistmele", which is just your clenched fist with the thumb facing up. You can use that for reference by putting it between the string and bow. Another reference that you could use without having to whip out the tape measure for each shooting session (because your string will stretch!) is to see where the fletching on your arrows lay on the bow, or how far from the shelf, and make sure that it's close to the same, every time you use the bow.