This is the latest bow from the demented elf

Before the particulars, I'm goin native for 2013. I'm shootin their bows, their way and hope I can do 'em justice. This is the first in a series I'm gonna make to see what I shoot the best/ accurately.
The bow is Red Elm (slippery elm) 1-3/8" grip, 7/8" tips. 42" ntn and 47# @ 22" (50@23). 7/16" at the grip and 5/16 at the tips. I measured several Ojibwa arrows for drawable shaft length and they went from 19.5" to 21.5" so I'm gonna be shooting 22" (draw to the head). See what ya think. Allmost forgot, it has 1/2" of set, and pitch&grease for the finish
Also would be interested in hearing from anyone also interested in hunting with NA eastern woodland short bows. Maybe compare notes, ideas, techniques etc. Hope I aint the only crazy one on the site.