Just for poops, and giggles, get some "Arnica Montana" (Leopard's Bane)
It is amazing stuff, for inflammation, bruising, pulled muscles, tendons, etc.
Try it and see if it helps. Won't hurt!

You can get it at your local health food store, or you can order it in little glass bottles of 500. Down in Florida, I only found it in a little tube, with maybe a 120 little tablets. I get it here, for $10.00 /500. It is a little white pill, and you place four under your tongue, two to three times a day, or more, depending on your injury, or pain.
You can order it from,........ OK, I can't say their name on here, I guess, but here is the toll free number for a catalog. 1-800-HOMEOPATHY.

I have used it many times, and it is the first thing people here grab, when they have an injury, or up coming surgery, etc.