Author Topic: This kinda hurt!  (Read 3397 times)

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Offline okie64

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This kinda hurt!
« on: February 17, 2013, 10:47:23 pm »
Well I was readin another thread on here about a guy supposedly hurting his arm and it reminded me of this. This happened to me at work a few months ago and I thought some of you guys might enjoy the pics. I was framing some walls and the nailgun bounced off the side of the plate and there it went. It happened so fast that I really didnt even feel it. Anyways my wife drove me to the e.r. and we sit in there for a couple of hours before they called me back to see a doctor. As luck would have it he was an intern that might have weighed 120 soakin wet. It did make me a little nervous when I saw how bad his hands were shaking. I swear it took everything he had to pull that nail out. I got lucky that it didnt hit the bone and it healed up nicely. Anyways, Hope yall enjoy the pics

Offline Roy

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2013, 11:12:55 pm »
Nice pass through Okie:) Glad you are going to be ok. Those guns are dangerous, my nephew took a nail to the eye ball a few years ago. Still has vision but it's blurry. Hope you wear safety glasses.

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2013, 11:24:33 pm »
That is awesome Okie  :o     I enjoy seeing a good injury picture.  I bet your X-ray was cool looking.

It's nice to actually see a real injury and not some annoying kid thats desperate for attention putting crap on his arm.
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Offline koan

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2013, 11:30:11 pm »
Wow! Been there.... mine was a trim nail tho and thankfully passed thru the webbing between my thumb and pointer finger. That could have been much worse had it gone thru your bone.... Brian
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Offline PrimitiveTim

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2013, 12:55:12 am »
Ouch!  How did that doctor treat something like that?  I feel like there would be an air bubble left in there unless you completely squished the hole, which seems painful and bloody.

I think a gory injury thread would be fun. lol
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Offline Lemos

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2013, 01:01:51 am »
I think you would have a better blood trail with a complete pass through. I'd check the poundage,maybe up it a bit

Offline bubby

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2013, 03:22:17 am »
nice pick okie, reminds me of something my brother did, we were forming around a swimming pool as we were digging it, cut pcs of rebar for stakes and he had a driver like a small post driver, anyway he came up to high and drove that rebar trough his hand under the skin width ways all the way through, sticking out a foot on both sides, anyway he's kinda a dumb ass and pulled it out and sprayed some stuff that he had from the vet's for his dogs and wrapped it up, never even got infected, heck I would have ended up with gangrene or something
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Offline stickbender

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2013, 05:23:04 am »
     Cool! 8)  Years ago, when I was working construction with some friends, one Buddy, was doing the same thing, he was framing a wall, to lift up to put into place, and the gun tip hit the edge of the 2 X 4 and bounced back, and hit his thumb, and went through the bone.  Well my other Buddy, who was the contractor, can't stand the site of blood, and was turning green, and he asked me to take the other guy to the ER.  So I did, and the doc, just put his hand in a pan of Betadine, and then, took a pair of pliers, pulled the nail out, and then wiped his thumb off, and wrapped it up, and gave him a tetanus shot, and sent us on our way.  Hell, I could have pulled it out with my pair of "Clines" wire pliers!  And I wouldn't have charged more than a beer! ;D  The doc's pliers looked just like mine except, they were stainless, and didn't have the nifty red plastic grips I had put on mine. :)  Glad you didn't get it any worse.  There was article in the paper years ago, where a Burger King, or Mickey D's, was having some work done, and they had a plastic sheet, separating the kitchen, and counter from the work area, and same thing, gun bounced off the stud, and fired a nail, through the plastic, and it stuck in the back of the head, of one of the workers at the counter!  I don't think it penetrated much, but still stuck there.  Can't remember for sure if it was his head, or back.  Talk about "really" cool piercings.....Dude check it out...... Wow! :o  Man, are ya gonna get some more, maybe circling your head, that would be so COOL!! 8) 8) Where can I get that done? ::) :P ;D ;D ;D


« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 02:19:53 am by stickbender »

Offline TRACY

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2013, 07:45:55 am »
Ouch! Between the long wait and greenhorn doc, I might of tried to pull it out myself, especially after a bill. Glad there was no long term damage. Ouch!

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Offline Sidewinder

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2013, 08:58:49 am »
ouch Okie. That reminds me of some body piercings I've seen on some young people. Only prob is they do it on purpose and pay someone for it. lol Glad your OK.   Danny
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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2013, 10:34:36 am »
OUCH! I had a buddy drive a framing nail right into his thigh while climbing a ladder........that took a long time to heal. He limped for months.
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Offline Josh B

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2013, 10:44:26 am »
Owww!  I reckon that did hurt a little :o!  At least it didn't nail you to anything.  Since Clint likes to see real wounds, here's a dumbass attack that I had in Nov '10.  I had a load of chemical that built pressure in my trailer while  being transported.  When I got to my destination, I went to open the top of the trailer to vent it and bumped a big stainless fitting.  It must of only had one thread holding it on because it blew off and hit me in the noggin.  I had to sew it up so it would quit pouring blood down into my eyes.  I've stitched myself up a bunch of times, but trying to do it while looking in my sunvisor mirror was a lot more difficult than I figured.  Here's a pic with the open wound and then one after I closed it up.  I know some of you are thinking that knock to the head explains a lot.  Not so.  I was off in the head long before this happened. Lol!  Josh
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 11:38:27 am by Gun Doc »

Offline Pappy

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2013, 10:52:11 am »
Yikes !!!!! man that ant what I wanted to see this morning. ;) :)
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Offline adb

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2013, 11:07:36 am »
I had an incident with a nail gun up at our cabin, too. While reloading, I put a nail thru my palm. Didn't hit any bones... went right between my two middle fingers. We were 2 hours from any ER, so I just grabbed it and pulled it out. Not even much blood. Luckily, I had a first aid kit, and I cleaned it up. My wife freaked cuz she hates that sorta stuff. She looked like she was gonna puke. Hell, I put a bandage on, and went back to work! Now when I'm reloading it, I disconnect the air... live and learn.

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: This kinda hurt!
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2013, 11:09:30 am »
Nice one Josh.  Looks like a third eye.
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