You make me shiver by holding that bow at full draw for more than twenty seconds!

That's for glass recurves, not for wood bows! Hold at full draw for no more than a few seconds. For demonstrating tiller, pull multiple times after another, so we can see the bow take its bend rather than the static bend at full draw.
That bow looks well made, nicely finished and very shootable. Those cracks will not cause an issues, since they don't run off the sides of the limbs. Those heat treated areas are possibly areas that needed to be heat straightened and are nothing to worry about. The tiller is acceptable for an osage bow, but I personally think it could have been better. Really, it's nothing osage can't handle, but I could be critical on the tiller. The top limb seems too stiff just past midlimb and the bottom limb seems a bit hingey about 8" from the handle.
Enjoy your bow!

You now have a good example of what a wooden bow looks like, so you know what your next project should become...