Archimede's was the man who figured out the Block and tackle lever system "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth."
.He invented a lot of useful objects,hiis Screw invention for draining water was a wonder for the irrigation of Egypt's fields after the annual Nile flooding but i'm dubius on the Military inventions.I could see the Sun ray what he 'supposedly' used to burn Roman Galley's doing damage to the mens eye's but set a sail on fire......And how about his 'Ships Claw',getaway! A claw for picking up attacking ships and capsizing them
,nahh i'm not buying that!
Imagine what he could of done for Rome if Marcellus had managed to get to him before that legionarie had shoved his Gladii into his Gut's at Syraccuse,such a waist of a wonderful mind.
As you say Dane the Horsehair string is historicaly accurate so no disapointment from me mate,this thing's looking great!
The head should be arriving soon Dane,let me know when it arrives safe.