Author Topic: Stuff you need to bring to the classic. For the benafit of our new friends.  (Read 17383 times)

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Offline cracker

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Heres my short list.
1. tent or camper of some description
2. cooking gear and food
3. bed roll and or cot
4. umbrella ===highly recomended
5. whatever you want to drink, the twin oaks boys offer sodas and water but why walk all the way from camp for a drink of water
6. towels and so forth for shower
7. comfortable shoes. no shuttles here
8. trade goods wood rock steel finished goods whatever I usually have a few trades worked out ahead of time
9. cash there will be vendors galore
10. trade goods
11. if you are like me a bow and lossa spare arrows
12. oh and did I mention trade goods, I always seem to be hauling more back than I took with me.

If I missed anything feel free to add just be realistic.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 02:41:43 pm by cracker »
If we can't help each other what is the point of being here?

Offline Gsulfridge

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Thanks Ronnie!
Greg Sulfridge, Lafollette, TN

Offline stringstretcher

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Camera and video recorder.  No way you can ever remember what all you saw if you don't get pictures to look at later.
If staying any length of time, all the ice you can bring to keep your drinks and food cold.
And from what I have heard, but not witnessed yet thank goodness, a good rain jacket and rubber boot.
Flash light an batteries.  The bottom can get pretty dark between 4 in the morning and 6 am.

Offline MWirwicki

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  • The wood speaks to you; Listen with your eyes. GSD
'Swipe.  (toilet paper) just in case the porta-jons get heavily used.   :-[
Matt Wirwicki
Owosso, MI


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'Swipe.  (toilet paper) just in case the porta-jons get heavily used.   :-[

Brilliant Matt!
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline cracker

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You're buddies incase you need help getting back to camp. Don't ask how I know.
If we can't help each other what is the point of being here?

Offline stringstretcher

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I thought about that a little while ago Matt.......And one thing that is a must for all and plenty of it....TICK REPELANT AND SPRAY OF ANY KIND.

Offline seabass

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i was just going to post that Charles.

Offline stringstretcher

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Great minds think alike,,,,MATT AND STEVE :o

Offline seabass

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the flashlight is a good is a long dark walk back to camp.i allways try to bring a item to donate to the raffle.Pappy and the boys work real hard so we all have a good is good to help them out if you can.

Offline Keenan

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 Boat canoe or some sort of floatation device :o ;D 

 Spikes to drive in the ground to secure all your goods when the flash flood comes through, LOL

Offline stringstretcher

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I was not there then, but I was going to post up some thing to the effect Keenan, of anchoring you cast iron pots and pans to keep them from being washed I heard.

Offline osage outlaw

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Bring some staves and tools.  Some of the best bowyers in the country will be there.  Why not get some free advice and help while you are there.
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left

Offline _Jon_

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If staying any length of time, all the ice you can bring to keep your drinks and food cold.

Twin Oaks purchased a new ice making machine so we should be able to handle all your ice needs.   :D
Member of "Twin Oaks Bow Hunters,"  Chapmansboro, Tennessee

Offline iowabow

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Abo kit for flint knapping at the sprit station
Bloodroot to trade cracker for stave if he makes it out of camper
Iowa crap rock for Will to knap
Extra points to give to Pat B for helping my son (the older one) make a bow (or others)
(:::.) The ABO path is a new frontier to the past!