I can't count the threads I have read on here, started by someone asking if osage sapwood will make bow. So this one is dedicated to you guys,

. Here is one that is almost 3/4ths sapwood with enough heartwood on the belly to keep me happy. This bow came from a deflexed stave, so unfortunately, it ended up with some string follow. Although it did not take too much set from it's original form. One limb was deflexed more than the other, so that limb became the bottom limb, as the deflexed limb will always turn out stronger it seems. I even tried to force it to be the upper limb, but I started getting some string follow, and it kinda forced me to flip it around the way I knew I should of had it in the first place. Specs:
Sapwood backed osage selfbow, 60# @ 28", 60 3/4" NTN, horn overlays, and horn shelf, (on the correct side for once). I tried to do the fulldraw photo with the arrow on the correct side of the bow, but it is just too weird for me, and I can barely draw that way and keep the arrow on the bow, even with the shelf,


You can see that it is mostly sapwood in this photo: