Thanks Muffin,
Steve B, Maybe I can get the wife to take some full draw shots tonight and post those before removing more wood, if its not to dark.
Thanks Soy, it feels good. good luck on yours.
Bub, I forgot to ck with a flat block, newbee mistake. :embarrassed:
I have not finished the handle yet as I was waiting to decide on which was the bottom limb.
After The limbs look close to being even and the draw weight was close, I picked the Rt limb as top and shot it about 25 times, Bow feels stronger than 50lb and brace is at 5" with a very tight string. Bow has the same feel all through the draw. even with the handle full width and guessing at nock point, it shot very well at 30yds. I shot split finger.
Paleo & catman, I'll load some photos of the front and unstrung horz for you. I keep it braced all last nite and it look good this morning.
Thanks, Pearly and adb, A newbee needs more nick pickin, I did ask for it.
Heres a few photos until I can get more. Did I say its fast

Also, thats 4 different length's and weight arrows. seems to shoot all ok.