I built a bark lined briefcase out of 1x2's, plywood, brass furniture. There is no explaining it, you will have to look at it:

Now here it is opened:

By now I am sure many are scratching their heads. And for good reason. You don't see one of these every day do you! One side is American elm bark, the other is cottonwood.
Lots of you think I'm about as nutty as an almond orchard, and you're not far off! But this isn't proof that I'm ready for the white dinner jacket with the wrap around sleeves and lotsa shiney, shiney buckles and straps. Not quite yet. This has a purpose. Behold!
Owls by nature are nocturnal, much like teenagers, werewolves, and other monsters. They are often colored cryptically (camoflauged) in order to blend into their environment. I built this background in order to allow the owls to feel more relaxed when on display at programs.
This little eastern screech owl came from Raptor Rehab of Kentucky. She was hit by a car late this summer and suffers from a detached retina. Her eyesight is affected enough that she is unable to successfully hunt for herself. We obtained her under Federal Permits to become one of our education birds at the Black Hills Raptor Center. She's a red phase bird, most are grey colored. We are slowly getting her used to being around people and we hope she has a long life with us doing wildlife education in schools and in the public.
Six ounces of raging predatorial raptor, BEWARE her wrath!