Don't know if this is allowed, talking about gun building instead of bows but it is what i am doing at the present.
Started shaping the butt stock on my English fowler. The wrist on a fowler fades out deeply into the butt. New territory for me, I am working the wood down a little at a time.
Blurry picture, didn't want to walk back out to the shop to take another.

This is going to be an iron mounted, English fowler, flint turkey gun. This is an expensive hobby, I probably have $900 in parts. Curly walnut stock, Chambers English round face lock and a white lightning touch hole liner, furniture from TOW, 38" Colerain 12 ga barrel jug choked by Danny Caywood.
Been working on it for a year, off and on when the mood strikes me. It will be ready to go bang when turkey season rolls around this year.