Thank you very much for your replies, esp. from the experienced mounted archers!
this will be no replica bow, just a from horseback shootable bow.
He requested a fulldraw (27"), he's not used to shoot short draw bows
This will be an unbacked bow, no sinew
I really will do rounded tips (which will be the first time for me - I like the spiky slim ones)
I picked up an osage stave and chased a ring already. Unfotunately it has a huge propeller twist, nearly 90°.
I think of chosing another one or give it a try. Stave is now 56" long, clean - no knots, nice rings
Do you guys thing 54ntn + 1 (for the tips) is possible? Or is that too much on horseback?

Next step will be: layout limbs (devide in sections) and handle (marking upper limb, handle should be narrowed for more comfort)

Next session tomorrow