While Iam waiting for my real bow wood to dry
Steve I mean seabiscuit I MEAN seaBASS, sent me a nice piece of horse apple to try. Now Ive helped build 2 other hedge bows but never spent much time with the wood. So this piece is THE first osage to be molded by my hands. The wood has nice tight rings, hard and made my scrapping arm sore.
I left to sapwood as a riser in the handle and also at the nocks. After working the wood one night it was bright yella, the next morning to my surprise it had turned orange! No complaint there.
I took it kind of slow and it's true it doesn't take a lot of this wood to make a bow.
She came in right on target and took almost no set, despite my aggressive tiller technique.
She shoots smooth and surprisingly quick.
Anyways, I hope I did you Osage guys proud.
Here she is.
63" NtN
1.5 wide to .5 tips
Black on black John Strunk handle wrap.
A perfect 50#@28"
Thanks for lookin