I am building a bow just like that one. 1 in wide in the handle but tapering to 3/8 at the tips. This is my first bendy handle and I am loving it. If possible could you take a pic of what setup you used to bend the tips. I have never done this before but am planning to on the current build. Any tips you have would be great, I am pretty nervous about bending them. Thanks.
Well this is my "ghetto" bending set up... I also used an aluminum strip in between the belly and the clamps to help keep splinters from popping up

This was my first time flipping tips so take my advise lightly, but I did learn a couple things. Go SLOW when you are bending - heat it up really good and bend a little, more heat, then more bend and so on. I left them clamped until they were cool to the touch and that seemed to work out fine.
I think I went a little extreme on my tips, next time I won't bend them as much. I did end up with a couple of cracks but I filled them with CA glue and that's part of the reason for the wrapping of the tips.