First off we don't know what Greg's definition of "handshock" is...some guys bows I have shot will rattle my toes,but they'll tell ya there's no handshock.
I respectfully disagree with you Marc about the top limb. I see it bending all the way up until 4" away from the tips,and they aren't overly wide or thick either. The unbraced profile shows a reflexed outer limb and at full draw you can see it bent over till 4" away from the tip. I have had bows that have had outta sync limbs that gave me a "thump" in the hand,but when I corrected them to be in time it significantly reduced the thump to almost nothing at all.
Since we don't know Greg's definition,and haven't shot it,or seen the bows limbs move in action,then its hard to say for sure. But I do see that outer top limb bending enough to not cause a huge issue.