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Topic: Crochet handle wrap along (Read 8243 times)
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Sterling Lynch Victoria, TX (361)935-1715 text me
Crochet handle wrap along
October 16, 2012, 08:32:45 pm »
Well here is a simple double crochet handle wrap. the materials you will need are some kind of Yarn with the proper size crochet hook a yarn needle and some Kind of measuring tool well let's get started first I recommend that you watch this basic vid from YouTube that shows the basics in motion it will help you understand the pics that will follow
There are many different ways you can crochet a handle wrap Now it's picture time
First here are the tools needed
Ok first you want to measure how long you want the wrap to be I'm going to make a 5" long wrap
Ok next you won't to make a slip knot first you want to wrap around your fingers then pull a loop through the wrap and tighten it to the point it will be snug but not to tight
Ok next you want to place you hook end into the loop of the slip knot
Ok next step is to make the foundation chain first grab your hook in your main hand and the yarn in the other hand For demonstration purpose I had to do this one handed with camera in the other
Ok now you want to yarn over that means make one wrap around the hook end
Next you want to start making your foundation chain hook the yarn and pull it Through thing of making the chain coil for extension chords or large rope it's basically the same
Thing the hook takes the place of your hand
next you want to chain the length of your measurement you did for the wrap once you
Get the lentgh mine is 5 " you want to add 3-4 extra chains to compinsate for the height of the double stitch
Ok once you have the right length you want to make yor first row of double crochet stitches
First yarn over "make a wrap" around the end of the hook
In the pic above you can see my thumb is next to the third chain you want to enter on the this or fourth chain most people enter on the fourth chain this is where the three extra chains come in handy
Once through you want to yarn over again and pull the yarn through the chain
Once pulled through you should have three loops on the hook now you want to yarn over agan to make a fourth loop on the Hook
Once it's over the hook pull it through two loops on the hook
Next you want to yarn over again and pull through the next two loops
It should look like this
You have now completed your first double crochet
Next just repeat the last few steps all the way to the end of the chain once you reach the end you will have to learn a turnaround
Ok now for the turn around first chain three the flip the whole project
If you made it this far you are now a pro lol starting chains and turn arounds are the hardest to do the rest is easy
on lets get this finished. Next step is to yarn over and then go through the top of both threads of the second chain
Next yarn over and pull it through we are now back to the double crochet stitch basically just repeat the instructions from before
Follow each stich and go to the end here are a few pics of the progress
Once you reach the end chain three flip and start over again
Ok if you made it this far your a pro now just keep repeating the steps till you make it the right width
Ok I'm about 4-5 rows in I'm going to check how it wraps around this handle. Now there are are a few ways you can do this. First you can have a tight open wrap which shows the weaving of the stitches and the wood showing . Or you can have a loose wrap which is more cushy on the hand with no gaps
I'm going for the loos wrap for the cushiness
you can see the gap here il prolly do a few more rows to fill It up
Ok I did two row now you can see here is no stretch to make the ends touch
Next you want to bind the end since I won't be crocheting anymore the rest is sewing
First make one chain
Once made pull the loop big with extra slack this will be you thread to stitch the the wrap to the bow
Onced pulled cut the line from the spool and pull it through the stitch and tighten it up
Ok next you will need a yarn needle mine is made from a thorn you can buy metal ones if you don't want to make it
And thread the needle
Next stitch the wrap on I go through and the go in to the loop to make a half hitch you can do wah ever stitch you like
Ok now that's done let's tighten the wrap up since its a loose wrap
I like to add some other color to this so lets grab a orenge yarn and tie it to the starting tail to the wrap that's the tail of the slip knot
once your tied lets Flemish twist the sewing threa with the new threa remember to pay close attention on the direction the thread was made so your not undoing it while flemishing it
Oncet you reach the end tie a knot in it and you'll want to pull the tied tail under the wrap so all that's left is the Flemish twist out you can use your hook for this
Now that's it ticked under you want to stitch the end with the new string using your hook go around and meet up where you started zig zagging in and out and pull it tight
Once you are back where you started start wrapping the wrap tight spiraling like a candy Cain
One the end is reached use your hook and pull it through the edge of the wrap and stitch the other end tight
Now that your stitching is back where it started tie it off like you bound the wrap off and next you want to hide the tail tie a knot in the rope to where it won't stick out the other side and cut it off and next use your hook to pull it under the wrap to hide it
And that's it hopefully my instructions are easy to understand remember you can do what ever you want with any stitch so go create something pretty
Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 08:36:00 pm by skyarrow
"We don't have mistakes here, we just have happy accidents" Bob Ross RIP 1995
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Re: Crochet handle wrap along
Reply #1 on:
October 18, 2012, 11:05:19 am »
Awesome, thank you so much!
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the upper part is pressed down,
the lower part is raised up,
the part that has too much is reduced,
the part that has too little is increased."
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Re: Crochet handle wrap along
Reply #2 on:
October 18, 2012, 12:44:49 pm »
That is very cool!!!!
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Re: Crochet handle wrap along
Reply #3 on:
October 19, 2012, 07:51:30 pm »
Nice job!
Jeff Utley- Atlanta GA
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