I wasn't sure if this would work out, but I'm pretty happy with it for my second FINISHED bow. I've built 3, but the second one crysalled badly so died quietly.

This is a hickory backed Jatoba (Brazilian cherry) straight longbow. Draws pretty smooth and top-ends at 27" Also quieter than I expected too, which is nice. Surprisingly little handshock! I debated a long time on the riser design, but in the end wanted to try a radius'ed shelf with a locator grip. I'm happy with it..I was worried that it was cut too close to center, but I beefed up the riser with maple accented jatoba with overlay of walnut on grip, as well as jatoba under walnut riser overlay. Grip is waxed cordage..I like the feel of this and will use it again. It is a nice grip, but slick enough to adjust your hand.
66"overall - 64" ntn, 47-50lb @ 27"- 1.25" wide at fades out to mid-limb and tapered to 1/2" nocks with Jatoba tip overlays. Finish is a couple coats of light pecan stain overall and 5 coats of spray-on Tru-oil...I love that stuff! BTW, it developed 1.5" of set, but it still shoots.


It DID develope a hairline fret just off the fade on the top limb...look close you can see the repair I tried...took off the finish and ran some superglue in the fret and refinished. Didin't appear to be lifting, but I hope it holds thru hunting season. I WILL be carrying it.
Comments are welcome