Well, the hard part about being an ex-architect like me is that I can't build anything unless I've got dimensions. And since I've been running autocad for over 18 years, everything gets drawn up first, then I print off those plans for the bow full size, I transfer that over to plywood and cut out a pattern, then transfer the pattern over to my laminated stave. When I'm done cutting everything out, the shaped stave is accurate to within the thickness of a printed line from an inkjet printer.
But here's the problem, and it's a big one... The one thing that I've looked for desperately, but could never find, is some material that gives me a step-by-step build along for a backed bow like this. And one that assumes nothing - I've got no experience with making bows, so I need to know not only what is being done, but why it is being done. The "why's" help me generate the math that makes this make sense.
There's a LOT of people who can make one of these beautiful pieces of art by feel, and they know what looks good and what will work - yeah, I'm not one of those guys. My world is ruled by math, geometry, physics, and drafting... It may be my handicap, but that's my world.
Anyway, thanks for all the help! I hope to have my ipe in from the lumberyard either today or tomorrow, so hopefully I can start gluing up this weekend!