Right... Quick answer..
Long answer (and I opologise to start with 'cos I'm going to be contentious here goes.
. )
1. This 'The front profile determines the propper bend' is just nonsense!
Literally "non-sense"
unless the bow is of uniform thickness e.g made from a dead flat board with no thickness taper.
And anyhow, even then, how do you correllate front profile to tiller shape?
If you cut a simple tapered limb say 2" wide tapered down to nothing at the tip from thin sheet material (e.g Triangular profile) it will give a curved tiller shape ... not a triangular one so where is this mythical correlation??
I just don't get it... maybe I'm thick... or maybe it's like the Emperors new clothes?
Thickness taper and unbraced shape are far more significant in determining the full draw tiller.
There I've said it now...I expect to be struck by lightning now!
2. You have matched each limb to an elipse ... so how can it be too circular? It's not at all circular.
3. It's great! Stop worrying!
Del (scampers away to hide in secret cat nest)