This is my newest. She is 48"t/t osage self bow with rawhide backing, about 1" wide and pulls 54#@24"(I have pulled this bow to 26"). The arrow in the pics is 28" tip to tip for reference. I was gonna sinew back this bow because it has such thin rings(42 rpi) and the back ring(s) are violated. After I tillered her out and pulled her to 26"(on the tree

) I figured I'd just back her with rawhide for safety sake and see how well she held up. So far so good. About 50 arrows through her and she shoots an almost 500gr arrow with authority, but has taken a bit of set. At 15 yards she will be deadly. I'll get a full draw pic a bit later.
The decorations are scraps of western diamond back and a horse tail tassel on the top limb tip. The handle is wrapped with hemp cordage. I think I impressed myself with this one!

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