Author Topic: My new bow bench  (Read 3025 times)

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Offline Slackbunny

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My new bow bench
« on: July 22, 2012, 07:32:49 pm »
So I got pretty tired of using a vice all the time for my bowyery work. It marked up the wood and never really got a great hold. Also I'm lazy and I'd rather sit than stand while I work, so I finally decided to go ahead and make myself a bowyer's bench. Here are the pics:

I used it today for the first time, and what an improvement! Much better setup than a bench vice. I just can't believe I waited this long to make one. I think it still needs some tweaking, I need to reach further with my feet to lock it down than I would like, but that is a minor adjustment. I'm also seriously considering adding a cup holder  :P

Offline beetlebailey1977

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Re: My new bow bench
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2012, 09:07:52 pm »
Looks good.....I would just round the board that applies the pressure and maybe pad it some.
Happy hunting to all!
Bowhunters of South Carolina Executive council member
Professional Bowhunters Society Associate member

Reevesville, SC     James V. Bailey II

Offline LivingElemental

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Re: My new bow bench
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2012, 09:15:06 pm »
Awesome. can i get the dimensions for this? I tried making one like Del's, but i can't work a hammer and nail to save my life. I think i can get the guy down the street to build me one of these.
Alzamaal illi yadour 'ala qurnayn fakhira, yarja' idhana maqtu'a.

Offline Auggie

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Re: My new bow bench
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2012, 09:50:17 pm »
When you add the cup holder, you will find you will also need a cup cover. Unless you like floaties in your drink. ;)
laugh. its good for ya

Offline Slackbunny

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Re: My new bow bench
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2012, 10:44:03 pm »
Looks good.....I would just round the board that applies the pressure and maybe pad it some.

Yeah, I've been considering that. There actually is a small bevel on the pressure applicator, but I might have to add more to it. I also have an old leather belt that I have already cannibalized for a different project that might do the trick.

When you add the cup holder, you will find you will also need a cup cover. Unless you like floaties in your drink. ;)

Ha, good point. You probably just saved me a beer.

Awesome. can i get the dimensions for this? I tried making one like Del's, but i can't work a hammer and nail to save my life. I think i can get the guy down the street to build me one of these.

The base is 16" wide, and 32 1/2" long. The tall leg is 29" tall on the long side, and each leg has a 15 degree angle cut on the top so that the 4x4 main beam sits at an angle. The main beam is also 29 inches long. I can't remember the length of the short leg but I'm sure you can figure out the trig given the angle and the length of the front leg and the main beam. The rotating arm rotates on a 5/16" piece of steel rod. The section of arm from the pivot point to the pressure point is 6", and the other section is a little over three times that long to give a good mechanical advantage. I just cut the braces to fit, and arranged them so that they wouldn't interfere with the rotating arm.

Those dimensions aren't exact but are pretty close. I never sat down and drew it out, I just kind of built it as I went along, and cut pieces to fit based on what I already had built. The fact that it turned out so well the first shot was more good luck than good management, but I'm not complaining. You might want to tweak them a bit to fit your preference as I built this custom to my body.