Hello all ye toxophilites I am a longtime lurker from the woods of new hampshire who would like to share a bow.
This is a white ash self bow that i just finished for a friend. It is from a 4 inch diameter sapling that i cut in my yard last summer. The rings dare relatively thin for ash but it was a decently dense sample. The specs are
66" by a little under 1 3/4" at the fades tapering lazily to 3/8" tips
heat treated on the wood stove (it gets cold up here) into 1/4" setback and holds at 3/4 string follow after 30 full draws
55# @ 28 inches (drawn to 26 in the pics)
tips are cocobolo and bone
handle is wool and tb3 over a leather overlay and a buckskin arrow pass (for a lefty)
the back is painted with oil paints thinned with turpentine and dabbed on with a paper towel
top limb has a 1/4" positive tiller for improved shooting characteristics (not really sure if that really make a difference)
Any critiques are more than welcome

. Thanks for looking