My biggest question is, is it safe to shoot? The grain is straight but kinda canted in relation to the board. kind like / / / / (not quite that much) rather than -_-_-_-_- (looks about halfway between these two at the top here http://p htm )
Anyhow, here she is. Let me know if I am about to seriously hurt my self

The draw weight is... well... more than my 50lb fish scale will measure and enough to make my fingers hurt. I made the draw length for my wife, but there is no way she could pull the weight. I have a bit over 30 inch draw, the bow is 62 inches. I don't think im confident enough to make it pull to my length. Kinda scared to start lowering the draw weight. Scared I might mess it up.
Also, I made it with a hand saw, rasp, file, and scraper thingy so its not perfect. I'm about to the point of what my noob brain knows what to do. Lemme know what I should fix

Remove material by the handle and towards the ends?

I made a tiller from a thick paint stirer, but past 17 inches it starts to bend, this board is about 20 inches.