Hi all,
Just finished the handle and wraps for this cherry bow which is the last of the cherry staves i have. All of the rest made nice shooting bows for other people and this was the last i had, not the best of the bunch but one for me.
Bow is 59 ntn like most except this one has stiff tips and a stiff handle unlike my last few from this. Its nice to be able to try a few tiller types with a certian wood to understand what it likes. This one prefers a bend through the handle

Anyways 59ntn, 50lbs @28, slight flipped tips 2 heat treats, buffalo horn nocks, silk back for 3/4 leather handle which was made up to height for comfort. Set is about an inch relaxing to flat after a little time unbraced.
Better pics in the daytime but hard to get time to take them with our weather.

Out in the woods shooting it in before a proper finish Full draw is a strange angle but the idea is there. Arrow is long at 31, out to about 27. Full draw pose always puts me off.
Hiding its unfinished bits, spring woodland UK

Thanks for looking all.