I posted about this fence post i found about a year ago i was gonna use for firewood (even tried to cut a slice off with my hand saw . . . see below), and a couple months ago i decided to take a closer look, and yup it was osage.

So i began the process of cutting away all the rotten stuff and found this underneath:

She's about 2-1/4" wide down to about 1-1/2" at the end, 30" long. Do you see a bow in there?!?! She's screaming for it

I considered finding another billet, but i really wondered if i could rip down center and splice for a symmetrical character bow. Now, how do you mark a clear line on something as wavy and dark as this? My solution was i put my pencil on a roll of masking tape at the center, then spun the tape to make a center line all around, pulled the tape off, and repeated till i had about 30+ inches of centermarked tape. Then i applied the tape down the center, being careful to follow the natural grain of the wood, Presto!

Now to the bandsaw!

This is what i envisioned when i first saw her raw beauty . . .

Now there are some problem areas, a borer at the handle section:

Solution? I conveniently laid out my splice so it came off

Did I mention this is my first splice? Well, this is my first splice. You more experienced folks will probly say it needs some work, but I'm ok with it

** You can see at the bottom of the above pic, and the right of the below pic where my saw reached down when i thought she was firewood. This is gonna work into the fades and may be completely gone, or left as a beauty mark and reminder of where she came from (as if she needs any more of that)

Here is how the splice looks after working down some of the wood on the belly and the last ring on the back . . .

I went with a W splice for maximum gluing surface, even though it's more difficult.
There's a little of the old ring left on parts of the W, but it's gonna be a stiff handle so no biggie.
Here's where she stands now, you can see i induced a touch of backset in the handle with the splice, the rest of the curves are au naturale!!!

What i'm shooting for is a D cross-section bow (somewhat anyway), she's gonna be about 1-1/16" for most of the width in the limbs.
Well, that's all for now. I'll post more as she progresses.