Author Topic: 2nd Annual Get-together at Cross Plains, TX  (Read 934 times)

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Offline gstoneberg

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2nd Annual Get-together at Cross Plains, TX
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:36:46 pm »
I thought I should put a pointer over here to my flint knapping thread on our April get-together in north central Texas.  Last year we only had flint knappers, but Jackcrafty has just donated a few staves if anyone in this area wants to work on a bow and needs a stave.  If we need more staves than that I will bring some osage. It sounds like we'll have a portable tillering setup there.  I'll be happy to provide help with bows if anyone would like it. 

The dates are April 20-21 at my deer lease near Cross Plains, TX.   Here's that thread with the details:,31735.0.html

There will be some limited hog hunting at stands but there are only 2 spots for bow setups and 2 for rifle so we'll have to double up and take turns if more people than that want to hunt.  Please post up, either here or on that other thread, if you're interested in coming.  I will PM more details and a map as we get closer to the event.

St Paul, TX

Offline Dane

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Re: 2nd Annual Get-together at Cross Plains, TX
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 07:38:11 pm »
George, you ought to advertise that this is Conan the Barbarian's hometown. I wish it wasnt so far from, me, as I'd like to take in your event and visit the Howard historical sites, and his grave.

Greenfield, Western Massachusetts