I must say that I think that the little jump when loosing (Jake)is not helping anything, also I don't understand if you are shooting for distance why you hold the bow at full draw for so long. A momentary pause is all thats necessary - not a hold.
Well over on this end of the lake as I have said to Ian, there is not to many others in which to ask in person and shoot with to build technique, so I have done what I can through the EWBS to build technique and adjusting it to suit myself, I have tried many different variations. Well I have never been one to talk science into why I use a certain form, I feel there is no need, I think results speak much more true. The form I have built is based after as I have said different forms in the EWBS (primarily the rolling loose) and those members shoot with distance results I have not personally seen matched. So that speaks for itself in my mind. However I have tried a more snapshot loose rigid like a target shooter, it is even scene in some of my other videos, and my distances were far inferior compared to now. As for the jump, it is not something I plan out with my mind, on release I go with the energy, I don't fight it, when the pressure is released it is natural to go forward with it, soon it becomes one smooth motion. I could not have got that quarter pounder further with a 90lb had I not used that form.
Noel I think with time technique will come but by being able to use a medium ground bow, it will greatly aid you and quicken your climb. Watch how other people do things try it out and let your distances be the judge. A huge difference can be seen in such a little time between the video you posted and my new one, good on ya mate! I look forward to the future!