Author Topic: how to save this shag bark hickory stave  (Read 3915 times)

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how to save this shag bark hickory stave
« on: March 15, 2012, 11:49:43 pm »
Shag bark hickory stave 70 inches long 2 inches at handle and tapers down to 5/8 inch at nocks.Goal is 45 to 60 lb.would prefer 45 . left some of the bark on back. first question is that okay to do using the sap wood underneath the bark as the back. stave is 2 inches thick. How thick do I make this stave and should I do pin style nocks and leave them some what thick and uniformly tiller the rest of the stave down to what thickness? or make it easy and one thickness for the entire length of stave. also it has a wicked twist. I read on here to use a pipe wrench and tie a 5 gallon bucket on it while applying heat should correct it. Is there any other method to do this. Please offer any hints or advice to save this hickory stave and what order to do these steps in. I have a sister stave that is 4 inches wide and 3 and half inches thick that has not twisted. I quartered and split the tree and one peice 2 and half inches wide split off while quartering log and that is what I used for this stave. I waited 5 weeks then debarked. as the weeks went along it twisted more. what should i have done to prevent this? I read some where to put the stave in a caul or mold as soon as it is cut and cut down to bow size and thickness. Thank you.

Offline Buckeye Guy

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Re: how to save this shag bark hickory stave
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2012, 12:28:03 pm »
You need to post this in the bows section if you want help !
Thin it down to about 3/4 " except the handle area for now so it will dry faster
Did you seal the ends ?
Seal the back now with shellac since you have the bark off!
Hickory straightens easily with heat so don't worry about your twist and curves .
You can deal with all of that later after more drying time
Guy Dasher
The Marshall Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Primitive Archery Society
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