Author Topic: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions * Images *  (Read 13516 times)

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I've gotten so used to using hickory for my self bows, when I read an article about somebody who was making IPE self bows... I had to try it.

1st attempt
I used a thin core for my first attempt.  Grain was straight, so I tapered the limbs, tillered it out, and Walla, 60#  @ 28"... Then I decided to cut an arrow rest... And Whaboom! Snap, right in the handle.  The problem was the core was to thin to start, so at 60# there was flex in the handle, so cutting the rest in created a weak point and it broke.

2nd 3rd and 4th attempts
I cannot take claim for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th attempts. I was so sure that this would work, I gave the project to Jeff, my main bowyer.  He tackled the project just like he would have with our hickory self bows... But that was the first mistake.  Hickory is so tough, you can use almost any grain and not have a problem.. As we found out, only exceptionally straight, clean and clear Ipe will work for self bows. 

The second attempt did make it to 70# at 28".  But when I told him to pull it to 32", it broke at 29".  Right where there was a wave I the grain. 

The 3rd attempt didnˇ¦t even make it to the stringing. And 4th one broke at 24".  After looking at the demise of attempts 2-4, they all had one thing in common... they came from the same piece of wood... and they all broke in the same spot... right where the grain became wavy. 

If I were to use the same grain that was on this Ipe, for hickory bows... I wouldnˇ¦t even bat an eye. We make over 2,000 hickory bows a year, so I know what grain will work and what won't...

So after coming to realization that only "premium" and I mean PREMIUM... grain will work for Ipe, I went through my stash of wood and found some of the best material.  I cut it out just like I would for a 60# hickory bow.  Rounded the back edge a little more than usual, tillered it out and Walla! 60# 28"... 64 @ 29", 66@ 30"... and I didnˇ¦t go past 30" yet.  If someone requests more than 30" draw, I will simply increase the width a hair to accommodate the longer draw.

But... could the bow take our normal 1/2" deep arrow shelf?  The core I started with was 1" thick, just like our hickory.. But there was only one way to find out.  So to the band saw I went.  And what do you know!? It worked just fine   I put about 20 arrows through it with minimal string follow.  I have enough "PREMIUM" cores to make probably 75 self bows before I need to restock. 

Oh, and one more great thing about "exceptional Ipe"... Backing strips... Thatˇ¦s right, premium Ipe backing strips!  I already cut 10 of them and some bows in the heat box gluing up.  Now don't you think a nice Osage bow with an Ipe backing would look killer!? Hopefully I'll have some pictures to post of these soon.  Just thought I'd share the new news

Thanks for reading,


« Last Edit: August 21, 2007, 09:56:45 am by bowstick »

Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2007, 09:56:01 pm »
Pictures would be great. I'm guessing that the first was a bend in the handle bow. I think 1" thick is plenty to cut a shelf.  Isn't Ipe kind of dense for a backing? I have never tried it as a backing, but it seems like it would be better in compression.  The ipe I have is so dark, you can hardly see the grain.  Justin
Everything happens for a reason, sometimes the reason is you made a bad decision.

SW Utah


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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2007, 10:05:28 pm »
yes, the first one was a bend in the handle bow, therefore the shelf was a bad idea on my part. 

Ipe is pretty dese yes.  Its not much more dense than the sap hickory I use for backings.  To accomodate the density and strength of the ipe as a backing, I juse stepped the thickness down to 1/8" instead of the usuall 3/16".  I still have not tillered out the ones I glued up the other day, so I have no proof that it will work yet. But I will update this thread on the progress.

Really good ipe it is almost impossible to see the grain. I have to surface it first before choosing the grain.

I will be updating with pictures too :)

Rich Saffold

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2007, 10:10:01 pm »
Justin, perhaps your source of ipe is getting a little too dry during shipment, or it isn't ipe, as many tropicals get called "ipe" to sell it as decking.  Also if isn't the perfect board, put bamboo on the back..Ipe is compression strong, so favoring the back is a good idea. Also being tropical it shines in the 100% humidity where hickory bows tend to go limp, but on the parched dry side I'd use hickory as well, or bamboo backed ipe.

64" pyramid 1.5" wide tapering to 3/8ths nocks, and drawing 70+@29" is my favorite ipe selfbow style.

Rich-made a few ;)

Offline Coo-wah-chobee

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2007, 10:22:32 pm »
                    Yes I would also like ta see pictures of your "Success".....bob

Rich Saffold

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2007, 10:36:05 pm »
Justin, Often the ipe which you can't read the grain isn't the best for a selfbow. Every region gets some different varieties of ipe as there is 100 or so of them. Most of the ipe I get can be easily read, but this always isn't the case. Just depends what the lumberyard has received.

Back some of your ipe with hickory, and you will have much better results.  It's another favorite of mine when I get good backings.

If your ipe isn't a lot heavier than the densest hickory..something isn't should sink like a rock at 8% mc.

Rich-does pool testing

Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2007, 12:29:34 am »
If your ipe isn't a lot heavier than the densest hickory..something isn't should sink like a rock at 8% mc.

Rich-does pool testing
Like granite vs sandstone from what little I have seen. Justin
Everything happens for a reason, sometimes the reason is you made a bad decision.

SW Utah

Offline markinengland

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2007, 06:55:36 pm »
Bulletwood aka Massuranduab, Massuranduraba also makes a good backing.
Self Ipe bows used in South America (where Ipe means bow wood!) are long slim and relatively low stress ELB type bows.
Mark in England

Stick Shooter

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2007, 07:43:05 pm »
Ipe is one of 2 woods that sink in water, I do love the color dark with a green hint, A real pain to tiller wore me out well the arms anyway.

Rich Saffold

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2007, 09:33:14 pm »
Justin,(Bowstick) and company, Bob, Kowechobe made the ipe bow on the first page of my article in the recent PA Magazine. It was accidentally written that I made that one. My friend Benson also submitted some pics of some self long bows which were real nice shooters which didn't get into the magazine..

The bow I am making now is from a light brown ipe with black ring lines.., and the one I have just got a string on is black, but you can make out the rings..the diversity keeps it interesting..

I have seen some incredible looking ipe bows the past few years on the major forums, and probably should have pilfered a few pics of these bows..Of the guys I see here Markinengland, Jaroslav,Marc and Steve( Badger) whose I get to see in person..Are the first names I can think of..The S. Cal. crew has large collection of these bows shooting..


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Pictures of the Ipe Self Bows
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2007, 09:57:21 am »
Here are the pictures of our U-Finish Ipe Longbow:

Here are the pictures :

THis one is at full draw, and the face of the bow. 

Photo of the "uni" grip... just thinned down to about 1" total width.

The nock of the bow, this one came out to 65# @ 29" .  Also a picture of the board it came from.. notice it is nearly impossible to tell which way the grain is running. Even after i surface the wood is pretty tough. To see any grain.

a finnish native

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions * Images *
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2007, 11:06:25 am »
looking good. could we see an unstrung sideprofile? is it my eyes crossing or is the upper limb a bit stiff from midlimb up?

Rich Saffold

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Re: Ipe bows, 3rd attempt with no outside links or promotions * Images *
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2007, 06:23:04 pm »
Ya just have to look at the fibers..That looks like a good board to me..