She broke shortly after taking this photo...

I was holding it at 27" and 55lbs, making sure the tiller was ok, and I heard a crack, and suddenly The left limb delaminated at one of the courser grain lines mid limb and mid thickness for about 3 inches and before I could even start to let it down, the left limb completely separated and flew away...
At this point, I'm inclined to agree with Dark Soul about a post he made on a different thread. Merbau doesn't really have the qualities of a good bow wood. It's a diffuse porous wood, but the early and late wood are all kinda nasty.

Oh well, I learned quite a bit on this bow.
1. don't trust your camera. the limbs were exactly, to the 1/16th", equal length.
2. Though it makes decent lighter weigh bows, Merbau should not be used for heavier weight bows (I think anything over 25 or 30 lbs is too much for it)
3. Heavier bows seem easier to tiller than light bows (less material to remove)
4. my tillering tree is too short to pull a bow to 28" with the clip attached to it. I need to lengthen it.
Time to move on to the next Project

I'll post pictures when I get it ruffed out. Just not quite sure what to make my next one out of, but I'm leaning toward the new stick of Alaska Yellow Cedar that I picked up yesterday.