Being a Doctor of dodo I guess coming in #2 in knapping competition isn't all bad

.The Silver River Knapp-inn was a blast. There was a good turn out Fri was school kids and teachers etc. Sat & Sun was every one else.They had a point competition for a Clovis and a newnan style point. Clovis had to be out of raw material.I acquired a chunk of Withlacoochie coral at the Dade City knapp-inn and beat this Clovis out of it. I finished second behind Claude Van Order ( his had longer flutes)


This shot does not show the coral very well ,hard as wood pecker lips and clear. I didn't finish my newnan in time ( it still isn't quite done ). I wish I had a truck full of this pinhead.

Well the Florida Knapp-inns are over for the year I guess it's back porch time again.
Bone pile