She aint all dolled up yet. Largely because I cant decide on a handle material. I want Ebony, but its soooo expensive, I think coco bolo, but thats my knife handle stock, then I think osage, pause for a moment thinking of burnt orange osage on deep red cherry and decide against it. I could go with black walnut, or spalted hackberry... But I would like to use something nice on this... real nice. I have enough scrap from this bow to glue on a riser for it of its own wood, but I cant deide if i want the handle to stand out. So it remains unfinished.
I have such a short draw ( 24 inches ) compared to the normal 28 inch draw of most folk, I wanted to see if maybe I could pull the bow back to 28 inches. Being sure the bow would blow with no tiller adjustments or weight decrease, I put on the safety glasses. Here are the results...
I went to 28 inches of draw 5 times and held there about 2 seconds a piece. On the last pull I took measurements. Things changed as you may have guessed they would. I am suprised it held, I really didnt think it would, hence the safety glasses.
50@ 28 and 43@ 25. It has 1 1/8 inches of set inches on top, 1/2 on bottom.

I think the tiller still looks ok. I blame the upper limbs excessive set on it being the upper limb and taking more strain when the arrow is nocked above the center of the bows handle...