one thing that might make this a little more believable, is i did measure the length i am drawing, and it is only about 29ish, which according to the data i found would be about 130, so i am not yet drawing the full 150, and i agree this is a little abnormal for my age, but from what i understand, i am the strongest person in my class and have been as long as i can remember, and in 8th grade, i was able to bench 250lbs( i truly don't mean this as a type of bragging, im just giving the facts i have to help you get a better understanding of me) but one thing i have to admit, is am currently hitting a wall at the 29, 29.5 inch mark, and it feels like it will take a while to overcome that wall, im not planning on being able to master this bow for at least a year, i also have a few slightly lighter bows in the planning stages i will use to help train with. don't worry, i don't take offence to what you are saying, as i agree, without witnessing me do it, thi is a little hard to believe, i hope someday to be able shoot with you and show you that what i am saying is true. one other thing, i looked at different people shooting on youtube, and i see what you mean about different body types drawing it back differently so i tried both, and i did seem to favor one more than the other, my troubles came from the last two inches where you finish locking your arm back( if that makes sense)
thanks for the tips