I'm here...just lurking in the shadows
Tim's right. Been doing a lot of soul searching lately, putting my priorities where they should be. Left my job of 17 years (should have done that years ago).
I used to wake up angry, go to work angry, spend the day angry and come home...........angry
The day I walked out of that place it was as if a HUGE weight had been lifted off my shoulders! Been working for half the money and loving every minute of it! I drove home last night after 12 hours on my knees laying hardwood flooring and walked through the door whistling
I've started going back to church with my wife and son, taking time to reunite with some old friends and making some new ones. My wife says I'm much easier to be around
Yes, "Life is Good"
Thank you Greg, for asking about me. It's nice to have friends that care.
BTW, I won't be "Saw Filer" on here much longer. Gonna just be me